Side view of Ruby's Steampunk Vest by Carol Perrenoud

Side view of Ruby's Steampunk Vest by Carol Perrenoud

Closeup of Ruby's Steampunk Vest by Carol Perrenoud

Closeup of Ruby's Steampunk Vest by Carol Perrenoud

Face on view ofRuby's Steampunk Vest by Carol Perrenoud

Face on view ofRuby's Steampunk Vest by Carol Perrenoud

Top view of Ruby's Steampunk Vest by Carol Perrenoud

Top view of Ruby's Steampunk Vest by Carol Perrenoud

I never thought I would own one of those really 'cute' dogs and like most Chihuahuas, her ego exudes beyond her body's dimensions.
She wants to be taken seriously.
She thinks she is tough.
She has a job to guard and boss others around.

Like the knights of yore wearing their armor, this vest weighs over 1 pound, which is over 15% of her body weight.

Maybe this steampunk vest will give her the image her small body craves. I already forbade her to get tattoos of skulls and zombies.